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GrowthBook Proxy

The GrowthBook Proxy server sits between your application and GrowthBook (both Cloud or Self-hosted instances). It turbocharges your GrowthBook implementation by providing speed, scalability, security, and real-time feature rollouts.


  • Caching - Significantly faster feature lookups!
    • In-memory cache plus an optional distributed layer (Redis or MongoDB)
    • Automatic cache invalidation when features change in GrowthBook (using WebHooks)
  • Streaming - Updates your application in real-time as features are changed or toggled in GrowthBook (Javascript and React only)
  • Security - Private-key authentication between GrowthBook and GrowthBook Proxy
  • Scalability - Horizontally scale to support millions of concurrent users


Using docker-compose

If you are already using docker-compose to run GrowthBook, we have a pre-configured setup that includes a GrowthBook Proxy instance.

Just run

docker-compose -f docker-compose.proxy.yml up -d

This will start the proxy server on port 3300. Check out the health check endpoint to ensure it's working correctly - http://localhost:3300/healthcheck


You can also run the GrowthBook Proxy as a standalone Docker container.

First, pull the latest image

docker pull growthbook/proxy:latest

Then, run a GrowthBook Proxy instance on port 3300

docker run -d -p 3300:3300 \
-e "SECRET_API_KEY=something_secret" \
--name gbproxy growthbook/proxy

Check http://localhost:3300/healthcheck to ensure it's running correctly.

Lastly, on your main GrowthBook instance, add environment variables to enable the proxy:

# The public URL of your proxy server
# Must match the SECRET_API_KEY used above
# You can either define the secret key here or create one in the GrowthBook UI

Using with the SDKs

The GrowthBook Proxy has the same public feature endpoints as GrowthBook, so all you need to do is change the API host your SDK clients connect to:

// Before
const gb = new GrowthBook({
apiHost: "",
clientKey: "sdk-abc123"

// After (clientKey remains the same)
const gb = new GrowthBook({
apiHost: "",
clientKey: "sdk-abc123"


The GrowthBook Proxy supports a number of configuration options available via environment variables:

  • GROWTHBOOK_API_HOST - Set this to the host and port of your GrowthBook API instance
  • SECRET_API_KEY - Create a secret API key in GrowthBook by going to Settings -> API Keys
  • NODE_ENV - Set to "production" to hide debug and informational log messages
  • CACHE_ENGINE - One of - memory, redis, or mongo
  • CACHE_CONNECTION_URL - The URL of your redis or mongo cluster (if using)
  • CACHE_STALE_TTL - Number of seconds until a cache entry is considered stale
  • CACHE_EXPIRES_TTL - Number of seconds until a cache entry is expired

You can also configure the GrowthBook Proxy to handle SSL termination. It supports HTTP/2 by default, which is required for high performance streaming.

  • USE_HTTP2 - Set to "true" or "1" to enable
  • HTTPS_CERT - The SSL certificate
  • HTTPS_KEY - The SSL key

Best Practices

In high-traffic production scenarios, there are a few best practices to follow

  • Auto-scale GrowthBook Proxy instances based on number of active connections or memory
  • Run the instances in the same region as your application servers for the lowest latency
  • Add a load balancer in-front that supports HTTP/2 and streaming responses (AWS ALB, HAProxy, etc.)
  • Use Redis (or MongoDB) as the cache engine for more consistent feature releases
  • Use the /healthcheck endpoint to determine if the instances are running correctly